Welcome back!

Venla Ritanen is back in business, alleluia!

For nearly a decade I was privileged to perform with this fabulous singer in musicals and duo shows, singing rocktail jazz, folk and light chamber stuff. Then there was an interval, Venla left the building and the show went on as a one man band.

Later on Blue Mary was formed.

Then suddenly, just before the band was about to capture Paappa Music Bar in Tampere, Finland, Venla made a reappearance and showed her willingness to participate. What a glam reality! Off she came, we rocked the joint together with this songbird and we sure sounded better than ever. Just how many gigs we’d done just the two of us with the piano! And now there is a fancy electric combo backing up the whole. Such a difference, such a solidness, soul, funk and pure R&B. I am soooo happy for this to happen.

Please find us anywhere – be it Blue Mary, Rocktail Jazz Duo Ragdoll, Folk Duo Pekka & Venla or plain Virtamies banging Rocktail Jazz – and join the crowd. We’re here just for you! A big bouquet of flowers to you, Venla, and a pint of Guinness to Kristian (g), Jukka (b) and Marko (dr). You’re something, all of you! Cheers!


P.S. All of you welcome to my new exhibition ”NÖKKÖNEN” at Galleria Ansa Puntalo, Sastamala, running from April 5th until 30th 2016. Images of a tiny black kitten and a big bunch of flowers. Vernissage on Tuesday, April 5th at 6 PM.



Pari sanaa tehokuuntelusta

On niin, että äänilevyn kertakuuntelun sijaan voidaan aina suositella tehokuuntelua, so. toistoa toiston perään. Kuvia piirtäessään tai muuta tarkkaavaisuutta vaativaa työtä suorittaessaan tekijä voi keskittyä olelliseen, kun musiikki ei vaihdu taustalla vaan kiertää samaa uraa. Mainioksi taustavaikuttimeksi jokamiehelle voidaan suositella albumeita Simon & Garfunkel: ”Bridge Over Troubled Water” tai Donovan: ”Gift From a Flower To a Garden”. Kokemus on osoittanut näiden äänitteiden ylivoiman.